Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Busy? No time? Ya right...

Often asked myself, do these 2 words relate to each other?

TIME and BUSY...

Are they friends? or cousins? or even parent-child relationship?

I have spent years in North Pole and Alaska doing a research on this matter, and through years of hardship and endurance, of intense studying, of careful observation, of accurate calculation, logical analysis and precise information, I finally managed to come to an end, to travel the road that will lead us 1 step closer to unveil the myths that had us wondering around for ages, beyond the brink of history of mankind, of homosapiens, of bitches and son of bitches... to uncover the mystery of which ... I shall name Bensasoun's Theory. [ i should be given credit right? :) ]

First of all a brief summary of our subjects.
Time-Time is kinda unique. One day we get 24 hours of them. So I would like to use a more unique way to define it, subjectively(situationally).

When we are working, it feels shit kinda long as if the clock is stuck. Scenario:
Mr.A Can someone please check the f**king battery!
Mr. B Ooops, battery's good.
Mr. A Fuck. Ok, now back to work. Sigh, it's not even lunch yet...

When we're having fun, it feels shit kinda fast as if the clock is damaged. Scenario:
Dude1 Hey dude, what's the time now?
Dude2 Its almost 8pm.
Dude1 Wt F**k? Don't mess around! Come on..
Dude2 It's really 8pm, on both our watches and cellphones.
Dude1 Oh ok, I'm late ... F**k

Cut short, when you don't need it, it seems to be longer than you want it to be and when you need it, it seems to be shorter than you want it to be. Crap....
At the moment, let's put this aside and move on to the other subject.

Busy-It comes around either unpredictably or predictably. What the f**k.. how can someone predict if they are busy. I'll show you and its real simple =D

When it's time to have dinner and you're addicted to some sex online game. Which you have well spent and well planned your time not doing homework but...... Scenario:
Mom Come down for dinner already
Boy Im not ready yet mom, there's still work to get done
Mom Okay
Boy Lame but acceptable, now back to my game.

How about this. Your friend gives you a suprise emergency call to back him up in that online game. Scenario:
Dude1 Mayday! Mayday! You there?
Dude2 What's up? I need to mop the floor right now
Dude1 No you don't. You need to login right now! *Hangs up*
Dude2 Mom, there's a test tomorrow, mop the floor yourself or ask Genie to do it
Mom Son sure study is SO important. I'll do the mopping.

Im sure we all can differentiate which is the predictable and unpredictable scenario.
Here, we can say that when asked to do something important or appropriate or a better term something you dislike, you'll be busy. When doing something you like/inappropriate/unimportant you will be extremely free!!

Now, anyone feeling dizzy? Haha.. farking arse

The theory of Bensasoun, Time is actually the opposite way round. Kids and even adults nowadays rather waste time doing sick stuff, f**king around rather than doing constructive stuff. They think that something which is bad is good for them because they have been conditioned to one. When important and serious things suddenly struck them in the nick of time, they rush their ass off trying as hard as they can pathethically and yet at the end of the day complaining around about NOT ENOUGH TIME GIVEN! Farking arse.. now you're talking. Shove a plate over and imma tell you what is Time. Son of a bitch.

And applying that theory to BUSY, its even crappier. When you have something unimportant to do you're busy. When there's something you dont like to do, you're busy. And when there's something you like to do, you're f**king free. This concept applies to the whole, to male, female and shemale. Whenever there's something you don't want to do, or wanna lie yourself off from doing it, haha your buddy is there waiting for you already, the word BUSY! Haha nice and simple.

Usually according to research, people who do not have time are usually busy. The other way round, busy people often do not have time. There. But .. but..

According to Sasoun's theory, BUSY people are busy are NOT people with no TIME. They have time only to do things which they like most.
Nevertheless, people with no TIME are also NOT considered as BUSY people. Logic behind this would be they claim that they have no time, however time is used to do useless and worthless stuff.. therefore, it also cannot be considered as busy but rather than wasting time. They don't have time because its all wasted, not because they are busy.
Mystery solved!!!! =D Final conclusion would be the word TIME and BUSY is not related!! Thank you


Steven Chang said...

u can start doing your PhD edi! hahaha!

SiCko Me... said...

ur theory???..can use or not 1?